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By HazelMar 12,2025


Hazelight Studios的最新产品Split Fiction终于在这里,为您和朋友提供了另一个迷人的合作冒险。想知道它的长度吗?让我们潜水。



第1章 - Rader出版:自由战士,勇敢的骑士第2章 - 霓虹复仇:高峰时光,玩我,Techno传奇,桑德鱼的传奇(侧面故事),你好,哈默先生,霓虹灯的街道,农场(侧面故事),停车场,停车场,途中的汽车,大城市生活,大型城市生活,山上骑行(侧脚),越过城市骑行,骑车骑行,骑车,骑车,骑车骑行,骑车,骑自行车,骑车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车,骑自行车骑行Chapter 3 – Hopes of Spring: The Underlands, Lord Evergreen, Train Heist (Side-Story), Heart of the Forest, Mother Earth, Walking Stick of Doom, Gameshow (Side-Story), Silly Monkeys, It Takes Three To Tango, Halls of Ice, Collapsing (Side-Story), The Ice King Chapter 4 – Final Dawn: The Dropship, Infiltration, Gun Upgrade, Toxic Tumblers, Kites (Side-Story), Factory Entrance, Factory Exterior, Test Chamber, Moon Market (Side-Story), Fun and Gun, The Overseer, Soaring Desperados, Notebook (Side-Story), The Escape, System Fail Safe Mode Chapter 5 – Rise of the Dragon Serpent: A Serpentine Path, Water Temple, Slopes of War (Side-Story), Dragon Riders Unite, The Dragon Slayer, Craft Temple, Space Escape (Side-Story), Dragon Souls, Treasure Temple, Birthday Cake (Side-Story), Royal Palace, Treasure Traitor, Might of the Dragons, Into the Storm, Megalith's Wrath Chapter 6 – Isolation: Prison Ship, Handy Drones, Down the Rabbit Hole, Hydration Facility, Prison Courtyard, Pinball Lock, Execution Area, Waste Depot, Cell Blocks, Maximum Security, The Prisoner Chapter 7 – The Hollow: An Ominous Welcome, Mosaic of Memories, Ghost Town, Light in the Dark, Spiritual Guides, The HYDRA第8章 - 分裂:分裂,热情的问候,面对面,世界相距,横断面,与上帝作战,新的视角,盒子外,最后的摊牌



现在可以在PS5,Xbox系列X/S和PC上使用Split Fiction

上一篇:Go Fest 上的提案如潮水般涌来,《Pokémon Go》玩家在马德里找到了真爱 下一篇:暴民控制X变形金刚协作结束:季节结局到达