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Monster Hunter Now:新一季揭晓

By CamilaDec 10,2024

                Monster Hunter Now season four is right around the corner, with Roars from the Winterwind
                A new weapon, habitat and more are all being added
                That's alongside the permanent partnership of a pet palico

Monster Hunter Now fans can rejoice, as while the days may be dark and cold, things in MH are...well, also dark and cold. But this is in a fun way, as season four: Roars from the Winterwind debuts on December 5th. So what can you expect? Well, new armour, environments and more, but let's slow down and take things one at a time, shall we?

新栖息地:正如您所料,苔原是充满挑战的怪物的冰冷领域。新怪物包括 Tigrex、Lagombi、Volvidon 和 Somnacanth,其中一些怪物需要完成任务才能解锁,甚至在苔原外也能遇到。
新武器:Switch Axe 可让您在斧头和剑之间切换模式以改变您的方法。建立开关量表将使您在切换模式时受到毁灭性的打击。



这只是本季内容的皮毛。您还可以期待新的盔甲、使用 Niantic 标志性的 AR 功能在现实世界中为朋友加油和查看您的伙伴的能力、第四季通行证、新技能和奖牌等等!


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上一篇:Go Fest 上的提案如潮水般涌来,《Pokémon Go》玩家在马德里找到了真爱 下一篇:新三国:所有有效兑换代码(2025 年 1 月)