毛刺胡萝卜拼图出现在Miside的“阅读书籍,破坏故障”一章中。 玩家到达Mila的游戏世界和一些初步对话后,您将开始浏览房间以解决故障(以浮动黑洞为代表)。 在此过程中,您会遇到一个奇特的胡萝卜,该胡萝卜在不同位置消失和重新出现,每次传送随着尺寸而增加。 目的是找到其所有产卵点。>
Glitching Carrot | Location |
#1 | Kitchen: In the fruit bowl on the counter. |
#2 | Mila's Bedroom: Near the potted plant by the bathroom door. |
#3 | Living Room: On the table next to the front door, in a vase. |
#4 | Bathroom: On the top shelf in the closet near the bathroom door (requires solving two glitches beforehand). A Player Cartridge is also located here. |
#5 | Living Room: On the armchair near the bedroom door. |
#6 | Kitchen: On the kitchen table. |
#7 | Mila's Bedroom: On Mila's bed. |
。 但是,如果您错过了任何内容,则可以在完成主要故事后重播本章。>