原田的上校山德士 x 铁拳请求被肯德基拒绝原田也被他自己的老板拒绝
This isn't the first time Harada has talked about wanting the Colonel to appear in the Tekken series. Harada had previously said in an old episode on his YouTube channel that he'd welcome the KFC icon as a guest fighter in Tekken. Harada additionally shared that he received a "bad look," when his Tekken x Colonel Sanders dreams were dashed. So, fans shouldn't expect any KFC crossover to occur in Tekken 8 for the immediate future.
Game designer Michael Murray elaborated on Harada's interaction with KFC in the interview with The Gamer. Apparently, Harada had personally contacted KFC to try to secure Colonel Sanders, but "they weren't very receptive to the idea," Murray said. "[Colonel Sanders] appeared in games afterward. So maybe it was just him battling someone [that] was causing a problem for them. But it just goes to show how challenging these types of discussions are."在之前的采访中,原田曾宣称,如果他有绝对自由的话,他曾“设想”在《铁拳》中加入桑德斯上校。 “老实说,我想象《铁拳》中肯德基的桑德斯上校。与池田导演一起,我们对这个角色有一个概念,”原田说。 “我们知道如何做好它。这将真的非凡。”不过,肯德基的营销部门似乎不像《铁拳》导演那样热衷这样的合作。 “然而,营销部门不想批准,因为他们认为玩家不会享受它。”原田补充道,“每个人都劝阻我们反对它。因此,如果肯德基的任何人阅读这篇采访,请与我联系!”
多年来,《铁拳》系列已经取得了成功一些非常惊人的角色交叉,例如《街头霸王》中的 Akuma、《最终幻想》中的 Noctis,甚至是《行尸走肉》系列中的尼根。但除了桑德斯上校和肯德基外,原田还曾想过在《铁拳》中增加另一家知名食品连锁店——华夫饼屋,但这似乎也不太可能发生。原田此前在谈到粉丝要求华夫饼屋出现在游戏中时表示:“这不是我们自己能够完成的事情。”尽管如此,粉丝们还是可以期待三岛平八的回归,他作为游戏的第三个 DLC 角色从死里复活。