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【速览】探索增长最快的城市建设游戏最佳 MOD

By VictoriaFeb 23,2025

Enhance Your Cities: Skylines 2 Experience with These Top Mods!

Cities: Skylines 2 offers a fantastic city-building experience, but mods can significantly extend its replayability. Here are some of the best mods to enhance your next playthrough.

Netlanes Walkways & Paths Mod

Image via CryptoGamerSkylines

Netlanes Walkways & Paths: This cosmetic mod adds 73 netlanes to walkways and sidewalks, dramatically increasing your city's visual appeal and customization options.

Waffle's Vibrant GShade/Reshade Preset

Image via WaffleCheesebread

Waffle’s Vibrant GShade/Reshade Preset: Brighten up your city's visuals with this mod, which adds vibrancy and enhances the overall aesthetic. It also modifies the UI, while maintaining readability, and offers in-game adjustment options.

Food and Beverages Decals Pack

Image via Ameenmahboub

Food and Beverages Decals Pack: Add a touch of realism with over 170 decals from popular food and beverage brands, allowing for highly personalized cityscapes.

Better Bulldozer Mod

Image via yenyang

Better Bulldozer: Streamline the demolition process with this mod, offering a smoother and more efficient way to remove elements from your city. (Note: The Unified Icon Library mod may be required.)

Find It Mod

Image via TDW

Find It: Quickly locate specific buildings and assets within your city using the convenient Ctrl+F search function and Ctrl+P picker tool.

Extended Bus Station Mod

Image via Shaine2010

Extended Bus Station: Improve bus station functionality and reduce traffic congestion by enhancing bus routes and pedestrian pathways. This also allows taxis to pick up citizens more efficiently.

Traffic Mod

Image via krzychu124

Traffic: Take control of traffic flow with tools like the Lane Connector Tool and Priorities Tool, allowing for customized lane connections and priority adjustments.

First Person Camera Continued Mod

Image via Cgameworld

First Person Camera Continued: Immerse yourself in your city by exploring from a first-person perspective, either freely or by following vehicles.

Overground Parking By Dome Mod

Image via De Magistris

Overground Parking By Dome: Solve parking shortages with customizable overground parking structures, accommodating up to 190 vehicles with features like disabled parking and EV charging stations.

Population Rebalance Mod

Image via Infixo

Population Rebalance: Optimize population management by adjusting citizen lifecycles, addressing common issues like unrealistic schooling durations.

This selection represents just a fraction of the available mods. Explore Nexus Mods and Paradox Mods for even more options to personalize your Cities: Skylines 2 experience.

Cities: Skylines 2 is available now on PC.

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