Redmagic's new 9S Pro phone has just launched in China, with an international release slated for July 16th. This powerhouse device boasts impressive specs, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, UFS 4.0 storage, and LPDDR5X RAM. Four configurations are available, topping out at a substantial 24GB RAM and 1TB storage.
We've previously reviewed other Redmagic products, and a full review of the 9S Pro is forthcoming.
Powerful, but will it be challenged? The 9S Pro's impressive power raises a question: will available mobile games truly utilize its capabilities? While Apple devices have secured recent next-gen titles like Resident Evil 7 and Assassin's Creed Mirage, the 9S Pro will likely initially focus on existing mobile games such as those from MiHoYo, or high-fidelity titles like Call of Duty Warzone Mobile. At a potential price point around £500, this might not satisfy all gamers.
Subscribe to Pocket Gamer on For a comprehensive look at current mobile gaming options, explore our curated list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far). While we can't guarantee they'll fully stress-test your new phone, they represent the best in each genre.
Looking ahead, our list of the year's most anticipated mobile games offers a glimpse into the future of mobile gaming.