Home > News > Pokemon Go welcomes Bruxish and special Flabebe in upcoming Festival of Colors update

Pokemon Go welcomes Bruxish and special Flabebe in upcoming Festival of Colors update

By RileyMar 06,2025

Get ready for a splash of color in Pokémon GO! Niantic has announced the return of the Festival of Colors, running from March 13th to 17th. This vibrant event brings increased Bruxish spawns (especially when using Incense), a chance to encounter regional variants of Flabébé (including the rare White and Orange Flower varieties), and exciting bonuses.

Lure Modules will last a generous three hours, boosting your chances of catching Pokémon at PokéStops. Complete Field Research tasks for Stardust rewards, and Timed Research offers Incense, four Rare Candies, and encounters with event Pokémon. Indian Trainers can also expect region-specific bonuses!


Don't miss out on extra rewards! Check out our list of Pokémon GO codes for additional goodies. Download Pokémon GO for free on the App Store and Google Play (in-app purchases available). Stay updated on the latest news by following the official Facebook page, visiting the official website, or watching the embedded video above for a sneak peek at the event's atmosphere.

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