For dungeon crawlers and trap enthusiasts, a new Android game has arrived: Tormentis Dungeon RPG by 4 Hands Games. Initially launched on Steam in July 2024, this game offers a unique twist on the genre.
What is Tormentis Dungeon RPG?
Forget simply navigating dungeons; in Tormentis, you design them. As the villainous overlord, you craft intricate mazes teeming with fearsome monsters and cunning traps. Any would-be thief daring to pilfer your treasure will quickly find themselves hopelessly lost.
Your goal is to safeguard treasure chests that constantly generate gold coins. Other players are constantly on the prowl, eager to steal your riches. Therefore, you must construct fiendish dungeons with bewildering layouts and monstrous guardians to thwart their attempts.
However, remember this crucial detail: before unleashing your deadly labyrinth upon unsuspecting victims, you must first conquer it yourself. If you can't navigate your own creation, your dungeon isn't ready for prime time!
Weapon Trading and Game Modes
Acquire equipment by raiding dungeons, but don't feel obligated to keep everything. An auction house allows you to trade unwanted gear with other players.
The game seamlessly transitions between online and offline modes. Practice your trap-laying skills solo, or unleash your creations on others in intense PvP combat.
Free-to-Play with Optional Ads Removal
Tormentis Dungeon RPG is free-to-play, with no pay-to-win elements. A single in-app purchase of approximately $20 removes all ads. If you're seeking a dungeon-crawling experience with a unique twist, download Tormentis from the Google Play Store.
Stay tuned for our next article covering ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition, where you build, tame, and survive!