Welcome to Gems and Blocks, a thrilling synthesis game that will push you to your limits! In this game, you'll need to purchase cube treasure chests filled with mysterious cubes of different levels. By synthesizing cubes of the same level, you can create advanced and exquisite cubes to increase your income. Unlock unknown and mysterious blocks to double your income and explore a vast area. But that's not all - you can summon mounts to greatly double your income and even specify levels to synthesize high-level blocks faster. Upgrade offline income, complete daily missions and achievements, and open time-limited mystery chests for surprise gifts. Don't forget to spin the Lucky Wheel for a chance to win amazing prizes! With unlimited synthesis blocks and the ability to unlock gem income, it's time to build your own synthesis empire. Join us on this block synthesis journey and download Gems and Blocks now!
Features of the app:
Gems and Blocks is a captivating and entertaining block synthesis game that offers a variety of features to engage and challenge players. The ability to synthesize blocks, upgrade gems, and summon mounts provides gameplay depth and strategic choices. The inclusion of treasure chests, daily missions, and achievements incentivizes regular play and rewards players with unlimited gold coins. Overall, Gems and Blocks is an immersive and rewarding synthesis game that offers endless possibilities. Join the block synthesis journey and start building your own empire of cubes!
カジュアル 丨 64.24M
ダウンロードアクション 丨 133.54MB
ダウンロードカジュアル 丨 393.62M
ダウンロードカジュアル 丨 481.54M
ダウンロードロール・プレイング 丨 10.10M
ダウンロードパズル 丨 82.4 MB
ダウンロードNov 29,2024
Nov 28,2024
Jan 04,2025
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