Dungeon Clawler is out now on early access for iOS and Android
It sees you journeying into the depths of a dungeon while using claw mechanics to grab gear and loot
Play as a lucky rabbit whose paw has been stolen by the devious dungeon lord
I don't think it's controversial to say that claw machines are kind of a rip-off. They're slow, they never pick up what you want them, and worst of all the prizes always tend to be quite crummy for what you end up spending. But at the same time, they're so very enticing, so it's little wonder then that Dungeon Clawler translates that into a roguelike, deckbuilding adventurer so well!
在《Dungeon Clawler》中,你扮演一隻被切除了腳的兔子,為邪惡的地牢領主帶來好運,但你並沒有讓它躺著。帶著你值得信賴的爪子,你冒險深入地牢,使用抓娃娃機機製來獲取新的、更強大的裝備,排列正確的組合,在敵人消滅你之前消滅他們。
利爪地牢Crawler 現已推出搶先體驗版,雖然這對於移動設備來說可能不常見,但至少對於移植版而言,我認為它可以讓這是有道理的,因為我從未見過工作室將爪子機製翻譯到觸摸屏上。盡管如此,Stray Fawn Studios 可能會成為這裏的贏家,因為正如我所說,每個人都喜歡抓娃娃機,無論它們多麼令人沮喪;因此,將這種吸引力與其獨立的 RPG 機製等結合起來是一個很棒的組合。
如果玩 Dungeon Crawler 讓您喜歡 Roguelike 遊戲,那麼,請務必查看我們的頂級列表25 款 Android 和 iOS 手機 Roguelike 遊戲!