Pokemon GO's weekly Spotlight Hour events offer players a chance to catch featured Pokemon at increased rates, often with boosted XP and the possibility of encountering Shiny variants. This guide focuses on the Roselia Spotlight Hour.
Roselia Spotlight Hour Details
This week's Spotlight Hour features Roselia and takes place on January 14th, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Prepare beforehand with ample Poke Balls, Berries, and Incense to maximize your catches. The event also includes a 2x Catch XP bonus.
Roselia Overview
Roselia (#0315), a Grass/Poison-type Pokemon from Generation III (Hoenn), boasts a maximum Combat Power (CP) of 2114, with 186 Attack and 131 Defense. Its evolution line consists of Budew to Roselia (25 Candies), then Roselia to Roserade (100 Candies and a Sinnoh Stone). Catching a Roselia yields 3 Candies and 100 Stardust. Roselia is tradable within Pokemon GO and can be transferred to Pokemon Home.
Roselia Strengths and Weaknesses
Roselia's weaknesses include Fire, Flying, Ice, and Psychic-type attacks (160% increased damage taken). It resists Electric, Fairy, Fighting, and Water-type attacks (63% damage reduction), with Grass-type attacks causing the least damage (39% reduction). Its optimal moveset is Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb, delivering 10.96 DPS and 99.91 TDO, boosted further in Cloudy weather.
Shiny Roselia
A Shiny Roselia is available. To increase your odds of encountering one, utilize Incense and be ready to use Berries to secure a catch. The Shiny Roselia is distinguished by a brighter green body and purple and black roses.