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  • Хумо Переводы

    6.00M 丨 4.5.0

    Humo Transfers: Your Secure and Convenient Mobile Money Transfer Solution This mobile app revolutionizes money transfers between Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Forget lengthy bank queues – send money instantly with just a few taps. Humo Transfers offers more than just transfers; pay for mobile

  • Spck Code Editor / Git Client

    6.87M 丨

    Spck Code Editor / Git Client: Your Mobile Android Coding Powerhouse Spck Code Editor / Git Client is a robust JavaScript IDE designed for Android devices, empowering you to code anytime, anywhere. This app eliminates the need for compromises when developing on the go. Seamlessly integrate with po

  • Duo VPN Tools
    Duo VPN

    17.80M 丨 1.1.1

    Duo VPN: Your Gateway to a Secure and Unrestricted Internet Experience seamless, secure, and anonymous browsing with Duo VPN, the ultimate app for unrestricted internet access. Enjoy blazing-fast downloads, uninterrupted streaming, and secure torrenting, all while safeguarding your online privacy.

  • Meu Controle de Ponto 3.0

    89.37M 丨 3.2.6

    Introducing Meu Controle de Ponto 3.0: The revolutionary employee time tracking app! This app simplifies timekeeping, offering employees a convenient and secure way to record their work hours. Its intuitive interface makes logging daily entries, exits, and breaks effortless. Even without internet

  • EmuSNES XL Tools
    EmuSNES XL

    8.00M 丨 v1.0.8

    Experience the ultimate SNES emulation with EmuSNESXL! This app perfectly recreates the classic 16-bit Super Nintendo console experience, delivering flawless graphics, authentic sounds, and peripheral support. Enjoy seamless gameplay with fullscreen mode, lightning-fast performance, and an intuitiv

  • Bentkey | Kids Entertainment

    19.96M 丨 1.0.14-prod

    Bentkey:专为儿童和家庭打造的优质娱乐平台 Bentkey是一款专为儿童和家庭设计的卓越应用,它提供了一个充满冒险、独特角色和引人入胜故事的世界,旨在娱乐和启迪下一代。该应用不仅仅是一个普通的娱乐平台,更是一个精心策划的安全优质内容空间。 选择Bentkey的理由: 选择Bentkey应用的原因有很多: 安全可靠的内容: Bentkey 优先确保其内容对儿童和家庭的安全性和适宜性。这体现在其独家内容和细致的策划上,让家长安心。 丰富多样的节目: 该应用拥有丰富的节目目录和大量的剧集,保证了广泛的选择,让用户持续保持娱乐性。免费功能是一个显著优势,用户可以在决定是否继续使用免费帐户或升级

  • YouTube for Android TV Entertainment
    YouTube for Android TV

    57.2 MB 丨 5.12.300

    A cutting-edge YouTube TV app. Stream the most popular 4K videos from YouTube. Discover global trending content – from top music videos to the latest in gaming, fitness, films, TV shows, news, educational videos, and much more. Subscribe to your favorite channels, explore personalized recommendation

  • VW Radio Code Generator Auto & Vehicles
    VW Radio Code Generator

    16.8 MB 丨 1.0.0

    Instantly Unlock Your Volkswagen Radio! Lost your Volkswagen radio code? Don't worry! Our VW Radio Code Generator app quickly unlocks any Volkswagen stereo manufactured before 2015. This simple app works with Blaupunkt, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, and all other VW stereo systems. App Highlights: Universa

  • Sfile Mobi - Monetizing Your File

    10.60M 丨 1.0

    Sfile Mobi: Turn Your Files into Cash! This user-friendly app lets you easily monetize your files and earn money from downloads. With flexible payout options and a straightforward earning system, Sfile Mobi offers a fantastic opportunity to generate income. Follow these tips to maximize your prof

  • Fake Call with Elssa & Chat

    20.00M 丨 2.0

    Prank your friends with the exciting Fake Call with Elsa & Chat app! This fun app lets you simulate realistic conversations with Queen Elsa and even Anna. Enjoy live video calls, send text messages, and even engage in chat discussions. It's entirely free! Simply select your chosen character and st

  • Assistant for Stardew Valley

    10.01M 丨 1.12.1

    Stardew Valley玩家必备神器——Stardew Valley助手隆重登场!这款专为安卓设备打造的应用,是每位忠实粉丝的必备之选。有了它,您在虚拟农场冒险中将事半功倍。这款便捷的规划和日记应用,助您轻松管理每日任务和优先事项。它包含每日待办事项清单、可自定义的个人任务、贴心助手和伙伴,甚至还有礼包追踪器,让您在Stardew Valley的世界里游刃有余。最棒的是,它支持离线使用,是您虚拟农场之旅的完美离线指南和助手。快来迎接您的新农场伙伴——Stardew Valley助手吧! Stardew Valley助手的功能: 每日待办事项清单:整理每日任务,并按优先级排序。 可自

  • iGirl Personalization

    124.30M 丨 2.56.0

    Experience the enhanced iGirl MOD APK, a modified version of the popular iGirl app, offering virtual companionship with AI characters. This MOD unlocks premium features and customization options not found in the standard app. iGirl MOD APK Features: Extensive Customization: Create your ideal virtual

  • 인하대학교 정석학술정보관 시설예약 시스템

    5.70M 丨 1.0.20

    This app, 인하대학교 정석학술정보관 시설예약 시스템, simplifies Inha University's library experience. Reserve study spaces – from individual seats to group rooms and multimedia centers – all within the app. Features include on-site ticketing, beacon-based seating, and mobile reading passes. Receive timely notificat

  • Route Chart - Nuzlocke Tracker - No Ads

    4.00M 丨 2.21

    Streamline your Nuzlocke challenges with Route Chart – the ad-free Nuzlocke tracker. This app simplifies encounter logging, nickname assignment, and status tracking (alive, dead, lost), eliminating the need for spreadsheets or handwritten notes. Enjoy a smooth mobile experience with customizable r

  • Blom: Flower Language Keyboard

    78.17M 丨 v2.1.6

    Blom: 花语键盘,一款创新应用,根据您的姓名和信息创建个性化花束。通过多样化的主题,革新您的打字和沟通方式,将您的设备变成创意和个性化表达的画布。 探索Blom:花语键盘 Blom:花语键盘旨在彻底改变您的设备打字和沟通体验!它拥有各种令人惊艳的主题,从优雅的极简主义到鲜艳的色彩和奇特的图案,让您以前所未有的方式表达自我。使用我们的照片键盘功能个性化您的键盘,并从各种创意选项中进行选择。无论您是在创作真挚的信息还是为您的文本添加一丝韵味,Blom 都能让每一次互动都成为根据您的独特风格量身定制的视觉杰作。踏入一个创意无限的世界,尽情体验 Blom 的魅力! Blom:花语键盘的功能 自定
