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  • SET e-Book Application

    44.70M 丨 6.06

    Aspiring to financial independence? The SET e-Book Application is your ultimate self-paced learning solution for boosting savings through smart investments. Perfect for securities professionals, this app provides in-depth coverage of personal finance, business management, and investment strategies

  • Keylimba Video Players & Editors

    16.00M 丨 6.7

    Keylimba:一款让你轻松演奏非洲卡林巴琴并创作音乐的应用程序。Keylimba 拥有传统卡林巴琴的所有琴键,让你能够轻松直观地拨动琴键并发出各种声音。你甚至可以自定义琴键标记以符合你的喜好。无论你是音乐家还是音乐爱好者,Keylimba 都非常适合想要创作优美音乐而无需复杂乐器的人。它拥有精美的界面、可自定义的功能、轻量级的设计和高质量的声音,使其成为通过音乐表达自我的终极应用。升级到 Keylimba Plus 可享受更多功能和高级用户体验。立即使用 Keylimba 改变你的音乐体验! Keylimba Mod 的特色: ⭐️ 精美界面:该应用拥有视觉上吸引人且用户友好的设计,清晰的

  • Messenger Lite Communication
    Messenger Lite

    13.89M 丨 v338.

    Facebook推出的Messenger Lite是其热门通讯服务的精简版,占用空间不到10兆字节,非常适合旧款安卓设备。这款经济实惠的应用程式能确保您与亲朋好友快速沟通,同时节省移动数据。 Messenger Lite的主要功能: 连接Messenger、Facebook或Facebook Lite上的所有联系人。 查看在线好友并与他们聊天。 进行一对一或群组聊天,随时掌握进度并规划活动。 分享照片、链接和个性化贴图。 通过Wi-Fi享受免费的一对一语音和视频通话(其他环境可能需要支付标准数据费用)。轻松畅聊,拨打国际电话! Messenger Lite简明指南 如今,几乎每个人都拥有

  • El Pose 3D Tools
    El Pose 3D

    37.83M 丨 v1.2.1

    El Pose 3D: 快速便捷的角色造型应用,提供丰富的自定义选项。无论是简单的快速造型还是精细复杂的摆姿,都能轻松应对。非常适合角色设计、插画参考、透视检查、阴影练习以及各种艺术创作。 应用特性: 流畅直观的操控: 响应迅速的界面,提升效率,简化操作。 触屏设备优化: 精心设计的控件和按钮,确保在触屏设备上拥有便捷的用户体验。 动态模型和材质调整: 无需重置姿势即可调整各种年龄分级的模型和材质,激发创意和探索。 丰富的武器库: 为角色装备各种武器,打造动态效果,增强视觉叙事。 预设姿势库: 包含行走、站立、跳跃等多种预设姿势,快速启动您的创作流程。 可自定义的身体参数: 在虚

  • Scanner: QR Code and Products

    7.13M 丨 1.23.0

    Introducing Scanner: QR Code & Product Information – Your All-in-One Barcode Solution! This free, open-source app simplifies product identification and data access. Quickly scan barcodes on food, cosmetics, books, and more, accessing detailed information with a single tap. It supports a wide array

  • Solo VPN Tools
    Solo VPN

    15.00M 丨 1.5.5

    SoloVPN app:一键连接,免费无限的VPN代理,轻松解锁受限网站。强大的数据加密、隐私保护、防火墙绕过和隐藏公共IP功能,让您的位置信息安全无虞,保护您免受公共WiFi连接中的黑客和窥探者的侵害。SoloVPN覆盖30多个国家/地区,包括日本、韩国、美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、土耳其、乌克兰等,使用简单,无需任何设置,更无需注册账号或提供信用卡信息。我们提供有限的权限和支持,欢迎提出任何问题或建议。立即体验SoloVPN-OneTapFreeProxy,如果您喜欢,请别忘了给我们五星好评! 应用特性: 一键连接:只需轻轻一点即可连接VPN,快速便捷。 解锁受限网站:轻松访问被阻止的

  • Mutual LDS Dating: Meet & Chat

    119.52M 丨

    Mutual: The LDS Dating App – Find Meaningful Connections Mutual is the leading dating app designed for single members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seeking genuine relationships. Developed by BYU graduates who understand the unique challenges of finding compatible partners, Mut

  • Learn Thai Speak Language

    68.00M 丨 3.8.2

    Master the Thai language with Learn Thai Speak Language, a complete app designed for learners of all levels. This app provides a fun and effective way to learn Thai alphabet, grammar, and conversational skills, perfect for students, teachers, travelers, and professionals. Featuring over 200 lessons

  • Scary Master Thief Teacher Personalization
    Scary Master Thief Teacher

    78.00M 丨 1.8

    Experience the thrill of "Scary Master Thief Teacher"! This highly anticipated game plunges you into a world of desert-based burglaries. As a master thief, you'll navigate homes, steal valuable items, and evade the police in a series of thrilling levels. ![Image of Scary Master Thief Teacher App](N

  • Osaio Tools

    119.00M 丨 2.4.5

    Osaio APPEmotion of love: Your perfect smart home companion, designed to cultivate love and connection within your family and with your pets. This app boasts a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive suite of features, delivering a high-definition, efficient, and secure experience. Its unique

  • Chroma Galaxy Live Wallpapers

    9.20M 丨 v1.3.4

    Chroma Galaxy Live Wallpapers: Immersive High-Resolution Live Wallpapers Experience breathtaking, high-resolution live wallpapers crafted by renowned German artist Roman De Giuli. This app brings De Giuli's stunning artwork, created with paint, ink, and fluids, directly to your mobile device. Key

  • Socialride - Crowdfunding

    20.91M 丨 1.5

    Socialride: India's premier crowdfunding platform for medical, social, and personal causes. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, an individual seeking assistance, or a charity needing support, Socialride empowers you to connect with a vast network of potential donors. The app simplifies the proc

  • English Igbo Dictionary News & Magazines
    English Igbo Dictionary

    18.81M 丨 10.4.8

    This offline, free English-Igbo dictionary app lets you search for words in both English and Igbo. Access the dictionary easily – search directly from your browser or other apps using the share function. Beyond simple dictionary lookups, it's a learning tool with features like multiple-choice quiz

  • Drawing (Dessin) Personalization
    Drawing (Dessin)

    6.40M 丨 1.0

    Unleash your inner artist with the Drawing (Dessin) app! Perfect for both seasoned artists and casual doodlers, this app provides a simple and intuitive way to express your creativity. Use your fingers to sketch, erase, and refine your artwork with ease. It's a fun and engaging way to relax, unwin

  • Saikou B Tools
    Saikou B

    13.00M 丨

    Experience the chilling suspense of Saikou B APK 2023, a horror game where you must outwit a relentless Yandere girl determined to end your life. Simple yet effective visuals and intuitive controls ensure immediate engagement. Navigate various rooms, solving intricate puzzles to escape her deadly
