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帮助宝宝熊猫为他的宠物建造独一无二的房子!宝宝熊猫有六只宠物:兔子、河马、奶牛、小鸡、章鱼和企鹅,他要为每只宠物设计一座房子。你愿意帮忙吗?快来宝宝熊猫的宠物之家,一起设计漂亮又舒适的宠物房屋吧! 步骤1:设计房屋形状 为兔子设计一个胡萝卜形状的房子。为奶牛设计一个牛奶瓶形状的房子。为小鸡设计一个蛋壳形状的房子…… 步骤2:准备材料 使用起重机吊起胡萝卜并修剪根部。将碎蛋壳拼接起来,用水泥封住裂缝。使用铲子清理贝壳和海藻…… 步骤3:建造房屋 堆叠冰棒,用冰淇淋粘合在一起建造墙壁!用冰覆盖墙壁,安装门窗,企鹅就有了自己的家! 步骤4:装饰房屋 用鲨鱼牙、尾巴和鱼鳍装饰罐头房子;用牛奶和彩色果汁
65.4 MB 丨 1.2
Unleash your creativity with the Luccas Neto coloring-by-number game! This fun and relaxing game lets you bring the vibrant world of Luccas Neto to life. Perfect for fans of all ages, simply follow the number guides to create stunning, high-quality images of Luccas Neto's exciting adventures. Disc
177.3 MB 丨 0.3.53
体验TutoTOONS的魅力,收集你心爱的宠物角色!所有你最喜欢的TutoTOONS角色都在这款游戏中!还有什么比这更令人兴奋的呢?加入Tuto Flips - Pet Doll House,现在就收集每个心爱的角色吧! 欢迎来到充满魅力的TutoTOONS世界——Tuto Flips - Pet Doll House,这里有冒险、挑战性的益智游戏和令人无法抗拒的收藏品!与著名的TutoTOONS角色一起加入乐趣,沉浸在一个专为所有年龄段儿童设计的迷人六边形益智游戏体验中。 收集可爱的宠物角色——随着游戏的进行,收集来自顶级TutoTOONS品牌的数十个心爱的角色。每个角色都带来特殊的增益能力
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Join the Kid-E-Cats for a birthday bash! This fun and educational game for toddlers and young children features Cookie, Pudding, and Candy in a series of holiday adventures. Get ready for a party filled with presents, surprises, games, and a giant birthday cake! (Replace placeholder_image_url.jpg
50.2 MB 丨 1.0.5
MemoLights:一款考验反应力和记忆力的视听游戏!MemoLights支持英语、土耳其语、德语、法语和西班牙语!挑战你的认知能力极限,跟随闪亮的灯光,记住颜色,重复序列,成为最终的冠军! 动态音效和鲜艳的灯光按钮,能有效提升你的速度和专注力。观察彩色按钮的亮灯顺序,并尝试按相同的顺序按下按钮。难度会逐步增加,充满乐趣! 游戏玩法: 按下“开始”按钮启动游戏。 系统会短暂地亮起一个随机颜色的按钮。 快速按下亮起的按钮,等待新的按钮亮起。 如果你按错了按钮,会发出警报声,游戏结束。 第二轮,两个按钮会依次亮起,你必须准确地重复序列。 每成功完成一轮,亮起的按钮数量就会增加一个。 Memo
34.3 MB 丨 3.4.0
Master the Capitals of the World! This engaging app lets you learn the capitals of all 197 independent countries and 43 dependent territories. Test your geographical knowledge with fun and challenging game modes. Capitals are categorized by continent (Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Af
22.8 MB 丨 1.2.0
This vocabulary-building matching game is fun for all ages! Mastering vocabulary requires understanding the connection between meaning, pronunciation, and written form. This game makes learning these relationships enjoyable by matching identical objects. Developed in response to requests from LITAL
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Discover the Adorable World of Baby Habits with Baby Panda! Join Kiki the panda and explore the fun world of baby behaviors! This app lets your little ones learn about common baby habits in a playful way, showing them that their actions are perfectly normal. It's a fantastic opportunity for childre
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Let's help the baby panda family with their house cleaning! This fun app features five cleaning scenarios: kitchen, bathroom, yard, living room, and doghouse. Kids will learn about household chores through over 40 interactive cleaning tasks. (This placeholder needs to be replaced with an actual
8.2 MB 丨 6.0
Number Woods: Kids Learn 1-100 — A Fun and Engaging App to Master Numbers 1-100! Number Woods: Kids Learn 1-100 offers a playful and interactive way for children to learn numbers from one to one hundred. Designed for toddlers, preschoolers, and early learners, this app makes number recognition and
24.2 MB 丨 1.3.0
This Bashkir language learning app, Alifba, is designed for children aged 0-12. It features Bashkir letters and words with voice acting. What's New in Version 1.3.0 (Last updated December 16, 2024): A sound bug has been fixed.
35.3 MB 丨 1.35
This free kids' coloring app is packed with delightful pictures! Children will discover many favorite animals to color, including kittens, dogs, happy sheep, and even a funny bear. Suitable for preschoolers and children in grades 1-3, this app is recommended by RosNutkiTV (https://www.youtube.com/
64.4 MB 丨 1.0
This app simulates acid-base titrations, covering solutions, indicators, types, curves, and concentration calculations. It also includes pre-lab materials on lab safety, equipment, and chemical symbols, and a virtual lab for hands-on practice.
19.7 MB 丨 1.3
Learn Hindi Alphabets: A Fun and Engaging App for Kids This app provides a step-by-step guide to writing in Hindi, perfect for preschool and elementary-aged children. Kids can learn Hindi vowels and consonants at home, using phonics sounds and interactive activities. The app is designed to make le
73.3 MB 丨 0.0.2
专为学龄前儿童(4-5岁)设计的趣味赛车游戏!这款赛车游戏将让您的孩子沉浸在充满乐趣和学习的精彩世界中,体验终极赛车冒险!它结合了趣味性和教育性,非常适合幼儿和学龄前儿童。 为了让游戏更刺激,孩子们可以自定义他们的车辆,为它们涂色并添加自己喜欢的贴纸,尽情展现创造力和个人风格。 游戏特色: 选择你的赛车: 从各种炫酷的赛车中选择,包括赛车、警车、怪兽卡车和动物主题赛车。 自定义和涂色: 让孩子尽情发挥创造力,自定义和涂色他们最喜欢的赛车。 刺激的赛道: 在充满趣味障碍和挑战的不同赛道上比赛。 互动式游戏玩法: 为小手设计的简单操控,配有有趣的声音效果和动画。 孩子们喜爱这款游戏的原因:
59.0 MB 丨 1.7
Dive into the delightful world of messy cake creation with this fun cooking, baking, topping, and decorating app! Making cakes overflowing with whipped cream and icing has never been more enjoyable! Messy Cake Maker introduces you to the art of cooking, baking, icing, decorating, and even painting
63.5 MB 丨 1.1.5
儿童益智游戏:巧手工匠,玩具制作乐园!快来体验这款全新儿童游戏,化身技艺精湛的工匠大师吧!在工作坊里,你可以制作小熊、汽车、机器人等各种玩具!成为精灵大师Bim的学徒,创造精美绝伦、色彩斑斓的玩具礼品!开启你梦寐以求的玩具制作世界!亲手制作玩具,组合各种元素,填充毛绒玩具,打造一系列精美绝伦的玩具礼品,送给男孩女孩们! 幼儿园学龄前儿童游戏设有两个工作坊房间,由你选择从哪里开始! 第一个工作坊:这个工作坊配备齐全的工具,专门制作高品质木制玩具。将拼图部件组装起来,为玩具涂色,并用精细的细节进行打磨,赋予玩具独特的个性。然后,你需要将亲手制作的儿童玩具包装起来。选择一个漂亮的礼品包装和可爱的蝴蝶
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Dive into the enchanting world of "Pippi World: Avatar Life," a captivating dollhouse game where you become part of Pippi's vibrant life! Design, dress up, and party in this wonder world! Explore Pippi's charming world, including a stylish hair salon, bustling subway station, cozy bakery, trendy cl
99.1 MB 丨 1.2.0
Embark on an exciting educational adventure! This demo app features 4 fun games and 5 engaging animations. Unlock the full version for just 15 lei to access all content. If you own the "A Fun Trip to the Holiday" educational package (CD+magazine), simply enter the access code from your magazine to
29.65MB 丨 1.186
This engaging app, "Baby Phone," transforms your smartphone into a fun learning tool for toddlers aged 2-5! Designed for preschool and kindergarten levels, it makes learning numbers a playful adventure. Children will enjoy matching games, learning animal sounds, and even recording their own voice m
184.5 MB 丨 3.4.2
Bini绘图游戏:公主涂色书和女孩游戏,开启儿童创意之旅! 想让孩子在游戏中学习绘画和涂色?Bini游戏(原Bini Bambini)的儿童绘图应用正是您的理想之选!这款应用包含70多个教程,涵盖14个主题,适合各个年龄段和技能水平的儿童。从魔法公主到奇幻生物,丰富的角色设计能充分激发孩子的想象力。 这款公主涂色书包含30多个经典童话故事中深受喜爱的角色,让孩子在学习和娱乐中享受乐趣。 应用内包含简单的逐步绘画教程,即使是幼儿也能轻松上手。更令人兴奋的是,孩子们还可以通过这款婴儿涂色应用创作出充满活力的迷你卡通形象! 此外,全新的换装和化妆女孩游戏让乐趣倍增!孩子们可以为角色搭配各种服装、发
143.6 MB 丨 24.7.5
Embark on a thrilling educational adventure with Classmate's engaging learning games! Boost your math, language, and reasoning skills while exploring captivating storylines across a diverse range of verbal, mathematical, and cognitive challenges. Experience new concepts in stunning 3D, such as the
59.0 MB 丨 2.5.0
This educational app, "Toddler Games for 3 Year Olds," offers a fun and engaging way for children aged 2-4 to learn about fruits and vegetables. The app boasts twelve diverse games designed to build vocabulary, enhance language comprehension, and develop cognitive skills. Children will learn throug
3.6 MB 丨 5
Sharpen your math skills with this engaging brain training game! This Math Puzzle Games app is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their basic math abilities. Solve a variety of math problems to boost your mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Make math practice more enjoyable with thi
98.1 MB 丨 1.5.3
Pepi学校:冬日惊喜,学习与乐趣齐飞! 加入Pepi学校,与同学们一起开启激动人心的新学年!学习不再枯燥乏味,这里充满了乐趣!冬季礼物寻宝活动现已开启!收集所有冬季礼物,解锁独特的节日物品! 欢迎来到不断扩展的Pepi学校世界,学习永无止境,冬日乐趣也永不停歇!您可以参加您最喜欢的课程,与同学们一起享受冬日乐趣,或者装饰您选择的教室,创造属于您的冬日故事。 精彩区域: 运动空间: 在我们的体育教室里释放您的运动潜能!无论您是在足球场上奔跑,还是在瑜伽垫上寻找平静,我们都鼓励团队合作和积极参与。准备好迎接这个冰雪假期的互动游戏和趣味女孩游戏吧! 学习中心: 探索学校的主教室,开始一段充
34.4 MB 丨 1.0.6
Princess Computer: A Fun and Educational Game for Kids Princess Computer is an engaging entertainment game packed with multiple educational activities designed to make learning fun and stress-free. Featuring voice support, children can learn correct pronunciation while enjoying a variety of games.
37.7 MB 丨 1.9
Unleash your creativity with this Pop It coloring app! Perfect for relaxation, this digital coloring book offers a vast collection of Pop It images, from adorable characters to vibrant shapes. Enjoy a huge selection of Pop It designs, all ready to be filled with color. Designed for on-the-go fun,
130.1 MB 丨 3.3.4
This fun app helps young children learn to read and write their first German letters and words. ZEBRA WRITING TABLE, based on the German textbook ZEBRA by Ernst Klett Verlag, offers a structured learning path featuring videos, games, and diverse exercises, even usable independently of the textbook.
81.8 MB 丨 1.8.9
123 Numbers: A Fun and Educational Number Learning App for Toddlers and Preschoolers This engaging app makes learning numbers, counting, and tracing fun for young children! 123 Numbers is designed for kids and parents to play together, offering a colorful and interactive experience free from third-
58.6 MB 丨 1.0.8
This app features the latest Aishwa children's sholawat songs and educational content, designed to be engaging and appealing to young learners. Its aim is to preserve and promote sholawat—religious songs often overlooked in modern times—and to provide a positive alternative to potentially inappropr
55.0 MB 丨 2.0
FitQuest Junior: Nurturing Healthy Habits, Bright Futures FitQuest Junior is the perfect family app for cultivating healthy lifestyles in children. Featuring separate parent and child interfaces, it provides powerful tools for parents to monitor their children's well-being, while offering kids an e
153.29MB 丨 4.0
Dive into a world of creative fun with this captivating drawing game designed for toddlers and preschoolers! Kids aged 2-6 will love the colorful characters and engaging activities. Unleash Your Inner Artist: Explore a vibrant collection of adorable animals, whimsical monsters, and more in this int
150.0 MB 丨 1.6.83
Merge adorable superhero girls, dress them up, play mini-games, and save the city! Ever merged super girls to unlock more? Then welcome to Power Girls - Fantastic Heroes! Our superheroines are moving into their luxurious city penthouse! Merge fantastic superhero girls and hatch new Power Girls fro
8.1 MB 丨 1.1.3
Sharpen your mind with Flash Mental Arithmetic! Track your progress daily with our calendar feature! This free flash calculator app lets you choose your skill level, from beginner to expert. Fun brain training for all ages, from kids to seniors! Want to boost your mental math skills? This complete
36.9 MB 丨 1.14
This engaging game, the Money Mammals Currency Challenge, puts your financial knowledge and quick thinking to the test. How well do you understand your currency? Let's find out! Educators and parents: Financial literacy is crucial for children, and The Money Mammals offer valuable resources to he
33.95MB 丨 1.29
Polish Math Games for Preschoolers: Mastering Addition and Subtraction Make learning addition and subtraction fun for preschoolers with "Mathematics for Children - Cyfry," a delightful Polish educational app. This engaging app helps children (boys and girls) develop essential math skills through int
102.2 MB 丨 1.1.4
Dive into an underwater adventure with Yateland's Dinosaur Aqua Adventure! Help reunite escaped aquarium animals with their families in this engaging blend of animal and ocean games for kids. Guide a baby turtle, shark, jellyfish, and penguin back to their ocean homes, exploring diverse habitats f
46.5 MB 丨 1.4.9
Engage Your Child with the Joy of Drawing and Coloring! Kids' coloring pages are fun activities for children of all ages, fostering creativity, observation skills, and imagination. They provide a fantastic introduction to the world of art and drawing. These educational games help children develop c
111.3 MB 丨 1.0.85
Join Leo the Truck and build amazing cars in this fun and educational 3D game for kids! Download it free today! This game helps children develop attention span, motor skills, and spatial reasoning. ![Image: Screenshot of the game]() Explore Leo's world, filled with friends and construction vehicles
430.7 MB 丨 1.0.103
Immerse yourself in the world of pretend play with Papo Town World! This expansive game combines your favorite Papo Town apps – Hospital, Castle, and Apartment – into one ultimate playhouse experience. Create your own life stories, explore diverse locations, and connect with your real-world experie
156.1 MB 丨 9.8.0
Make math fun and master math facts with engaging games designed for kids! Learning math can be enjoyable! "Fun Math Games for Kids" offers a captivating way for kindergarten through 4th graders to practice essential arithmetic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Mental ma
156.7 MB 丨 1.4.0
Tizi Town: Animal Home Design invites you to craft your dream home! This interior design game lets you design a modern house, living room, and kitchen, complete with avatar creation and storytelling. Unleash your inner designer and have fun decorating! Start with the Tortoise-Inspired Themed level.
102.6 MB 丨 1.5
Master Japanese Vocabulary (N5-N1) and Explore Japan with Our Fun App! "Japanese Master"—your key to effortless Japanese learning! This app blends fun games with effective learning. Journey through famous Japanese landmarks with a charming cat companion, making vocabulary acquisition an exciting ad